Week 15 Story: Promila's Revenge

Promila felt as if her heart had shattered into a million cold, glass shards. The glass pierced her body and spread through her veins. She cried out in agony, "My love. My whole life has been torn from me!" She looked upon her precious Indrajit, laid upon the funeral pyre. She wished to join him in his burial fire-- to be his wife in the afterlife. She craved to be eternally beside her beloved with her entire soul. A small whisper in her mind told her no. "You must avenge his death. Blood has betrayed blood. Now blood must be spilt," the voice whispered. Promila knew her task. She approached the wrapped body of Indrajit. She softly took her hand from her mouth and placed it on Indrajit's forehead. A symbolic kiss of parting. "Go in peace, my love. I will restore your glory and find you in the heavens." Indrajit's sword rested at his feet. She lifted the famed weapon and brandished it in front of the mourning crowd. "Bibhisan will pay ...