Story Lab: Exploring Writer's Write
Why We Ask You to Buy us a Coffee “You really need to learn to accept a gift with grace,” he said. “A gift doesn’t come with any conditions or an implied reciprocation.” Create Power Paragraphs for Stronger Storytelling Sentence Spotlight " The dominant sentence is the first and most important in any paragraph" " The flow sentences tease out the adventure promised by the dominant sentence" " The linking sentence ends a paragraph" "The call-out sentence is paragraph in its own right." 10 Things William Faulkner Had to Say About Writing I'm a big William Faulkner fan. As I Lay Dying is one of may favorite books. I've copied a few distinct phrases from his list of 10. I found them to be inspiring. The act of writing shows movement, activity, life. I think it best to use as little dialect as possible because it confuses people who are not familiar with it. That nobody should let the c...